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Course Maintenance

We offer a subscription based service that ensures your elearning courses stay up-to-date. 

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Paid Monthly

Lite Includes: 

10 eLearning Courses

150 Hyperlinks Tracked

Learner Feedback Dashboard

Maintenance Includes:

Monthly Updates

Video Updates

Text Updates

Image Updates

Interaction Updates

Hyperlink Updates



Paid Monthly

Standard Includes: 

20 eLearning Courses

300 Hyperlinks Tracked

Learner Feedback Dashboard

Maintenance Includes:

Monthly Updates

Video Updates

Text Updates

Image Updates

Interaction Updates

Hyperlink Updates



Paid Monthly

Premium Includes: 

30 eLearning Courses

600 Hyperlinks Tracked

Learner Feedback Dashboard

Maintenance Includes:

Monthly Updates

Video Updates

Text Updates

Image Updates

Interaction Updates

Hyperlinks Updates


Contact Us

Paid Monthly

Enterprise Includes: 

Everything in Premium but more. Contact us for a custom solution.

Maintenance Includes:

Everything in Premium but more. Contact us for a custom solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

What counts as an ‘eLearning Course’?

A ‘Course’ is defined as a single eLearning package. For example, one SCORM package is one ‘Course’.

How are updates made? What is the process?

Byte Learning will provide a template for you to list all the updates you require that month. We action all of your requested updates at the end of the month in bulk.

What is a 'Hyperlink' and how is it tracked?

A 'Hyperlink' is simply a link to a webpage. In your courses, you'd have a few links sending Learners off to other resources. Byte Learning monitors these links for you and informs you as soon as they're no longer working. All you need to do is provide us a new link.

What is included as part of an 'update'?

‘Updates’ can include text, images and updating eLearning pages / print pages. As part of this service we do not undergo development work or redesign. Byte Learning retains the right to reject maintenance requests that we determine to be ‘development work or redesign’ of courses.

What is the 'Learner Feedback Dashboard'?

We develop an online feedback form for your learners to complete. The information entered will be visually represented on a dashboard for you to view, analyse and gather insights into your Learners experience. We'll provide you a link to that form, all you need to do is ask your Learners to fill it out. We can also put it at the end of eLearning courses. 

How am I charged?

At the start of each month, we will send you an invoice to be paid by the end of the month. The invoice must be paid prior to Byte Learning working on any of your requested updates. 

Can I cancel this service at any time?

It's a month to month contract and you can leave at anytime. 

How do I upgrade, downgrade or cancel my service?

Simply reach out and let us know.

Subscribe to Byte Learning!

We will only ever send you something that's worth sending, like meaningful templates and resources. Not more junk mail.


Thanks for joining! You won't hear from us too often, but when you do, it'll be worth it.

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